African Aloe Café

Last Updated: 3 months ago

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Contact Liezl Van Wyk/Henriette Du Plessis


  • 30 Voortrekker Street, Uniondale

  • Longitude: 23.128431
  • Latitude: -33.655561
  • Map

Business Hours

  • Weekdays: 07h30 -16h00

    Saturdays & Sundays 08h00 – 14h30

    Open on Public Holidays except Christmas and New Year’s Day

About African Aloe Café

African Aloe Café is situated along the main road (look out for the orange umbrellas) and offers a wide selection of Aloe products and Karoo speciality products.

We also offer breakfast, light meals, delicious cakes and the best coffee. Our speciality is different kinds of jaffels. The coffee shop also has a tea garden and are pet friendly and child friendly. Take a break from your long journey and come and spoil yourself.


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